Federal Procurement
Nunasi is committed to working with the Federal Government and developing new business opportunities that meet the requirements of the 5% commitment of procurement for Indigenous business.
Nunasi is a majority shareholder in Nasittuq, which is a partnership with Pan-Arctic Inuit Logistics and ATCO Frontec. Nasittuq provides site-support services and program management for the Federal Government for the maintenance and operation of CFS Alert.

Nasittuq Corporation
Nasittuq is a Canadian intercultural enterprise, which was created as an agent for the joint venture between Pan Arctic Inuit Logistics (PAIL) and ATCO Frontec Corporation. The PAIL/ATCO Frontec joint venture and Nasittuq have a contract with the Government of Canada to operate and maintain the North Warning System (NWS) in Canada on behalf of the Department of National Defense (DND) and the U.S. Air Force.